Recovering Play – Singing


What it is?

Most children love to dance, sing and make music.  Sometimes not as tunefully as adults might like!!

Why it is important?

It gives children the opportunity to be creative and express themselves. It helps with language development as they learn rhythm, begin to identify rhyming words and it develops listening skills. Singing helps to build confidence too when children like to perform for others. Gross and fine motor skills opportunities occur as children move around while singing or joining in with actions.

How to bring it back?

Ensure lots of opportunities are provided to encourage children to sing, either informally during the day or in an organised way. Support children when they spontaneously sing. Provide musical instruments perhaps near your role play area and also outdoors. Offer children chances to make their own type of musical instruments to accompany their singing, from junk modelling resources.

Sharing with home

Share with families the opportunities you are giving the children to join in with singing and music and tell them the songs and rhymes you are using and encourage them to continue these at home.

This is one of a weekly series of posts highlighting different spaces, experiences and interactions that practitioners have told us are not all easy to get back after the pandemic restrictions.

It’s all about playing, talking, and having fun together – so we hope they are useful.  If there are any ideas you’d like us to highlight, just get in touch with your link EYESO.

For ideas about family engagement, you will find a “home” version of this post on